Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Beach Volleyball Olympic qualification demystified - Articles

Let’s face it: The qualifying process is really confusing. So here you go, everything you wanted to know about the 2016 Olympic Beach Volleyball Qualification but were afraid to ask. And there’s a simple summary at the bottom once you get through the explanations. Would you like to be one of the 24 beach volleyball teams in the Rio Olympics? First, you must participate in a minimum of 12 FIVB Olympic Qualification tournaments between January 1, 2015, and June 12, 2016. Once you’ve done that, there are five ways to qualify: 1. Host the Olympics. Evandro Goncalves/Pedro Solberg and Larissa Franca/Talita Antunes of Brazil are the designated host teams. 2. Win the 2015 World Championships in the Netherlands. Alison Cerutti/Bruno Schmidt and Agatha Bednarczuk/Barbara Seixas of Brazil did that. They are in. Yes, the Brazilian teams are now sipping a caipirinha (that’s like a Brazilian Mai Tai) in the shade, watching the rest of the world battle it out for the remaining Olympic berths. 3. The 15 highest-ranked teams as of June 13, 2016 will each earn berths in the Olympics. Rankings are determined by a team’s 12 highest finishes in Grand Slam and Open tournaments during the Qualification period (January 1, 2015 to June 12, 2016). However, there is a maximum of two teams per country, so if you’re 10th-ranked Juliana Felisberta/Maria Antonelli of Brazil, 14th-ranked Karin Holtwick/Ilka Semmler of Germany, 17th-ranked Jen Kessy/Emily Day, or 15th-ranked Tri Bourne and John Hyden, you can’t qualify unless you overtake one of your countrymen. Only FIVB Grand...

from Articles - Volleyball Magazine

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